Dev update – Handle issues
It is now possible to handle all your issues in GrunnaIDE. You do not need to have a separate place to keep what need to be done. This is a very easy issue handler and should be continued to be developed later on. I just needed something simple to have a place what should be done.

It’s not that much but I think it’s the basics to get started. I have some ides that I want to implement later on. One is that you can create an issue from the code and get a reference in the issue to the specific place so you can easy go to the place we know where it is a problem, or if you have a test case that fails.

This will be the list that show all the issues. At the moment I show both open and closed issues. I want to split that later on. I think I need to have a pageinator later on also.

There is a simple comment part so we can have a discussion what should be done or if there is question about the issue.
That is it for now. Next thing I’m looking to extend the editor to have a visual part to code with a visual part. Drag and drop coding. Lets see how that will go.
Go try the new feature at and any question or suggestion for improvement go to